Get Better Grades- Study AP Environmental Sciences with Ayushi

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About AP Environmental Science Exam

The AP Environmental Science Exam assesses your understanding of the environmental concepts covered in the course units, as well as your ability to design research studies to solve environmental problems.

AP Environmental Science Grades

There is no negative marking and no points are awarded for unanswered questions.

SAT Grades Definition
5 (A) Extremely Well Qualified
4 (A-, B+, B) Well Qualified
3 (B-, C, C+) Qualified
2 Possibly Qualified
1 No Recommendation

AP Environmental Science Calculator Policy

Calculators are permitted for use in all sections of the exam.

The Exam

The AP Environmental Science exam runs for 2hrs 40mins and has 2 sections. There are a total of 83 Questions.

Section I - 80 Multiple Choice Questions - 1hr30minutes

Total weightage : 60%

The multiple-choice section includes individual, single questions as well as sets of questions that refer to the same diagram or data presentation; these may include data tables, charts, graphs, models, representations, and text-based sources.

Section II Free Response Questions - 1hr10minutes

Total weightage : 40%

The free-response section includes three questions: 1 question in which you’ll design an investigation and the other 2 questions will ask you to analyze an environmental problem and propose a solution, one of which will require doing calculations.

AP Environmental Science Exam Syllabus

1.1 Introduction to ecosystems

1.2 Terrestrial and aquatic biomes

1.3 Primary productivity

1.4 Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and water cycles

1.5 Trophic levels

1.6 The flow of energy in an ecosystem and the 10% rule

1.7 Food chains and food webs

2.1 Introduction to biodiversity

2.2 Ecosystem services

2.3 Island biogeography

2.4 Ecological tolerance

2.5 Natural disruptions to ecosystems

2.6 Ecological succession

3.1 Generalist and specialist species

3.2 Survivorship curves

3.3 Population growth and resource availability

3.4 Age structure diagrams

3.5 Human population dynamics

4.1 Tectonic plates

4.2 Soil formation and erosion

4.3 Earth's atmosphere

4.4 Global wind patterns

4.5 Earth's geography and climate

4.6 El Niño and La Niña

5.1 The tragedy of the commons

5.2 The Green Revolution

5.3 Types and effects of irrigation

5.4 Pest-control methods

5.5 Meat production methods and overfishing

5.6 The impacts of mining

5.7 Urbanization and ecological footprints

5.8 Introduction to sustainable practices including crop rotation and aquaculture

6.1 Energy sources and fuel types, including fossil fuels, ethanol, and nuclear power

6.2 Global energy consumption and distribution of natural resources

6.3 Natural sources of energy, including solar power, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric power

6.4 Energy conservation methods

7.1 Introduction to air pollution

7.2 Photochemical smog

7.3 Indoor air pollution

7.4 Methods to reduce air pollutants

7.5 Acid rain

7.6 Noise pollution

8.1 Sources of pollution

8.2 Human impact on ecosystems

8.3 Thermal pollution

8.4 Solid waste disposal and waste reduction methods

8.5 Pollution and human health

8.6 Pathogens and infectious diseases

9.1 Ozone depletion

9.2 Global climate change

9.3 Ocean warming and acidification

9.4 Invasive species

9.5 Human impacts on diversity
