Get Better Grades- Study AP Biology with Ayushi

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About AP Biology Exam

The AP Biology Exam assesses your understanding of the biological concepts covered in the course units, as well as your ability to utilize the scientific method and analyze data.

AP Biology Grades

There is no negative marking and no points are awarded for unanswered questions.

AP Biology Grades Definition
5 (A) Extremely Well Qualified
4 (A-, B+, B) Well Qualified
3 (B-, C, C+) Qualified
2 Possibly Qualified
1 No Recommendation

AP Biology Exam Calculator Policy

You are allowed to use a four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator on the entire AP Biology Exam–including both the multiple-choice and free response sections.

The Exam

The AP Biology exam runs for 3hrs and has 2 sections.

Section I - 60 Multiple Choice Questions - 1hr30minutes

Total weightage : 50%

The multiple-choice section includes individual, single questions as well as sets of questions that refer to the same diagram or data presentation.

Section II Free Response Questions - 1hr30minutes

Total weightage : 50%

The free-response section includes two long free-response questions and four short-answer questions.

AP Biology Exam Syllabus

1.1 The structure and chemical properties of water

1.2 The makeup and properties of macromolecules

1.3 The structure of DNA and RNA

2.1 Cellular components and functions of those components

2.2 Cell interaction with its environment

2.3 The cell membrane structure and function

2.4 Cell regulatory mechanisms like osmosis and selective permeability

2.5 Cellular compartmentalization

3.1 The structure and function of enzymes

3.2 The role of energy in living systems

3.3 The processes of photosynthesis

3.4 The processes of cellular respiration

3.5 Molecular diversity and cellular response to environmental changes

4.1The mechanisms of cell communication

4.2 Signal transduction

4.3 Cellular responses and feedback mechanisms

4.4 The events in a cell cycle

5.1 The process and function of meiosis

5.2 The concepts genetic diversity

5.3 Mendel’s laws and probability

5.4 Non-mendelian Inheritance

5.5 Factors affecting inheritance and gene expression

6.1 The roles and functions of DNA and RNA

6.2 The mechanisms of gene expression

6.3 How genotype affects phenotype

6.4 Mutations, genetic diversity, and natural selection

6.5 Genetic engineering and biotechnology

7.1 Evidential support for evolution and common ancestry

7.2 The mechanisms of natural selection and speciation

7.3 Environmental and human-caused factors in evolution

7.4 Charting species ancestry through phylogenetic trees and cladograms

7.5 Extinction

7.6 Models of the origin of life on Earth

8.1 Communication and responses to environmental changes

8.2 Energy flow within and across ecosystems

8.3 Factors in the growth, density, and success of populations

8.4 Factors in community and ecosystem dynamics

8.5 Invasive species, human interaction, and environmental changes

Online AP Biology Tutor

About the AP Biology Exam
Month of Exam: May (every year)

Duration : 3 HOURS + 10 minutes reading time

Exam Format : The exam is divided into two parts – Multiple choice questions (MCQs ) & free response questions (Essay type, problem solving, oral response etc.)

Number and Type of questions:

Multiple Choice portion has a time limit of 90 minutes and comprises 100 MCQs

Free Response Portion has a time limit of 90 minutes and •  contain 4 mandatory questions. In the free-response portion one essay question is taken from Molecules and Cells another question focuses on Heredity and Evolution . Remaining two questions are taken from Organisms and population . These questions require the student to analyze and interpret data or information

There is no negative marking and no points are awarded for unanswered questions.

Exam Pattern:

The exam is divided into 3 major areas:

Major areas % of marks allotted
Cell & Molecular Biology 25%
Hereditary & Evolution 25%
Organisms & population 50%


AP Exam Gradings
5 (A)
Extremely Well Qualified
4 (A-, B+, B)
Well Qualified
3 (B-, C, C+)
Possibly Qualified
No Recommendation
Study Packages
The study packages for AP Biology Exam are available here. The packages can be customized as per your requirements.

Diagnostic Test. The students are first put through a diagnostic test to assess their strengths and areas where they may need greater emphasis.

Study Topics .The study topics which are covered in the AP Biology exam have been given out below.



Content Outline for AP Biology
Percentage of Course
I. Molecules and Cells
A. Chemistry of Life
1. Water
2. Organic molecules in organisms
3. Free energy changes
4. Enzymes
B. Cells
1. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
2. Membranes
3. Subcellular organization
4. Cell cycle and its regulation
C. Cellular Energetics
1. Coupled reactions
2. Fermentation and cellular respiration
3. Photosynthesis

Heredity and Evolution

1. Meiosis and gametogenesis
2. Eukaryotic chromosomes
3. Inheritance patterns
B. Molecular Genetics
1. RNA and DNA structure and function
2. Gene regulation
3. Mutation
4. Viral structure and replication
5. Nucleic acid technology and applications
C. Evolutionary Biology
1. Early evolution of life
2. Evidence for evolution
3. Mechanisms of evolution

Organisms and Populations

A. Diversity of Organisms
1. Evolutionary patterns
2. Survey of the diversity of life
3. Phylogenetic classification
4. Evolutionary relationships
B. Structure and Function of Plants and Animals
1. Reproduction, growth, and development
2. Structural, physiological, and behavioral adaptations
3. Response to the environment
C. Ecology
1. Population dynamics
2. Communities and ecosystems
3. Global issues