VSEPR & Electron Position

Started by Avni, April 29, 2024, 12:03:17 AM

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I was reading up about hybridization and VSEPR models. I was wondering why the electron orbitals HAD to be farthest apart. I mean, what difference does it make? Does it minimize e- repulsions (as the book states)? The books only provide one line: "We will assume that minimizing electron repulsions is also important for the peripheral atoms in a molecule and apply the VSEPR model to these atoms as well." And in the other book: "...molecular structure can be predicted by minimizing electron pair repulsions..."


Quote from: Avni on April 29, 2024, 12:03:17 AM"We will assume that minimizing electron repulsions is also important for the peripheral atoms in a molecule and apply the VSEPR model to these atoms as well." And in the other book: "...molecular structure can be predicted by minimizing electron pair repulsions..."
Molecules are acquiring a particular shape or angle to minimize the repulsion in bond pairs and lone pairs of electrons. You know electrons have negative charge and they acquire space around the nucleus of the atom. Similar charges repel and increase the energy of the molecule and nature favors low energy means less repulsion.
The  VSEPR theory has come from minimizing the repulsion among the lone pair and bond pair of electrons.


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