Solar Flares

Started by Aditi, May 08, 2024, 11:21:20 PM

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Hi, I was just wondering about how solar flares happen in the first place. I know they send vast amounts of heat radiation and have causes on Earth. But how do they start? Or, like, what happens, and how does it cause blackouts here on Earth?


Solar flares is sudden outburst of energy in the outermost atmosphere of the sun  due to interaction in magnetic and electric fields in the sun.
The Sun's surface has a complex and dynamic magnetic field. These magnetic fields are  twisted and tangled in some part due to the Sun's motion.
 When the magnetic field lines become highly twisted, they can suddenly try to rearrange themselves and in this  process  a tremendous amount of stored magnetic energy is released.
The magnetic energy interacts with charged particles, such as electrons and proton and increases their speeds. These accelerated particles collides with surrounding plasma (a hot, ionized gas) in the Sun's atmosphere, raising its temperatures by millions of degrees Celsius. So heated plasma  heated plasma emits more electromagnetic radiation like  X-rays and ultraviolet (UV) light to visible light and radio waves. This sudden emission is called as a solar flare.
Solar flares can impact significantly earth's space atmosphere and can shut down satellites communication system, electric power grids and internet connectivity.
                        Solar flare.jpg 


Thank you, that was helpful. I have one question to clarify: So, radiations like UV and X-rays being sent to Earth? So that causes satellites and communication to be shut down, causing blackouts?


Quote from: Aditi on May 11, 2024, 12:34:33 PMThank you, that was helpful. I have one question to clarify: So, radiations like UV and X-rays being sent to Earth? So that causes satellites and communication to be shut down, causing blackouts?
Solar activity will also present a threat to Earth by inducing significant geomagnetic storms capable of disrupting high-frequency radio communications and global positioning systems (GPS), potentially leading to internet outages or shutdowns. It can also interfere with the power grids and probably that's the reason for causing shutdown.


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