Quiz : 7.7 Development of Periodic Table

Started by Aditi, June 02, 2024, 02:26:02 PM

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Hi, this was the only question I doubted in this quiz. Isn't the number of valence electrons equal to the number of electrons in the outermost shell? They said the answer was, a. How?


I don't understand because the number of valance electrons for Carbon is 4. So, how is it the group number for the element? I am confused.


The Representative elements are also numbered as IA alkali metals, IIA alkaline earth metals ,III A Boron family ,IV A carbon family ,VA Nitrogen family, VI A  is oxygen , VIIA halogens and VIIIIA is noble gases.Check in all these cases group number is the number of valence electrons.
Carbon - 1s2 2s2 2p2

Valence shell is 2s and 2p, valence electrons are 4 and group number is also IV A.


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