quiz 10.2

Started by Aditi, February 20, 2025, 02:39:54 PM

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I am confused about this question; viscosity is the resistance to flow, right? Then, which molecule would it be because #1 = is Dibromomethane, which I searched up, and it said it's very dense and denser than water, so it would have low viscosity. Then #2, I don't know. , I searched it up and it said Ethylene Glycol, then #3 is Phelethanol, I think, and #4, methyl chloride, which is a refrigerant I'm pretty sure, and #5,dimel ether  I also didn't know about this one.

 I was generally confused because I thought all of these have low viscosities, but when I submitted the quiz it said #2, Ethylene Glycol has the highest viscosity,  could you explain why it's Ethylene Glycol? Does this have to do with the IMF (inter-molecular forces of attraction)? Sorry if this doesn't make sense.

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