
Started by Aditi, December 21, 2024, 12:52:17 PM

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I also had another question: why are we learning about wavelength and amplitude if that's more on the physics side? Also, what's the main difference between chemistry and physics?


Wavelength is related to frequency and energy of light. Light or emission /absorption spectra are used for discovery of orbitals and finally distribution of electrons in an atom.
Chemistry and physics have many overlapping topics like thermodynamics ,atomic structure and nuclear chemistry .
However the main difference is in Chemistry  we studies matter at the atomic and molecular level, focusing on the properties of these substances and how they interact in chemical reactions.
In Physics we studies the universe as a whole, using mathematical laws to explain phenomena like force, motion, and the expansion of the universe.
Chemists tend to make observations first and explain later, while physicists tend to develop theoretical explanations and then prove them with experiments.


Okay thank you, I was kind of confused ,

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