Caro's Acid

Started by Avni, May 09, 2024, 05:18:32 PM

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I wanted to do some "research" on Caro's acid because it's very easy to make and there is almost NO already done research on it. If I were to mix H2SO4 and H2O2 yields H2SO5 and H2O. Do you have any ideas on how to isolate the H2SO5? I was thinking boiling it, but I have little to no idea on how to make sure I am evaporating the H2O and not the H2SO5. Also, I tried to use the boiling point formula/Clausius–Clapeyron equation, but most of the values for those equations were unknown for Caro's Acid.


Caro's acid is peroxymonosulfuric acid and is very strong oxidizing agent because of the presence of peroxy linkage connected to S which has very high oxidation number. It is also very explosive in nature.Its boiling point information is not available as it decomposes before boiling.
Check the peroxo linkage in the structure.
Its melting point is 45 deg C so its better to store below 45 deg C in the solid form or in the form of its ionic salts.


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