The IR spectrum of an unknown compound X (MW=88g/mol) exhibits a broad spectrum from 3600-3250cm-1 and a sharp absorption at about 1710cm-1. Two upfield peaks in the HNMR spectrum are a doublet and septet, where of the two upfield signals the latter is more downfield. A third prominent signal, a siglet, occurs at 11.8ppm. The septet signal and the far downfield singlet integrate equally.
What is compound X?
What is IHD for X?
Will it dissolve in water?
Can it be reduced by sodium borohydride?
Will it give a positive Benedict's test?
Broad peak ~ 3600 and 1710 with 1H NMR 11.8ppm confirms the presence of -COOH
presence (CH3)2---- doublet
CH -------- as septet
(CH3)2CHCOOH is the structure .
IHD = (2C+2-H-X-N)/2= (2x4+2-8)/2 = 1
No it can be reduced by NaBH4