Multiple short questions for Science quiz

Started by Avni, January 23, 2024, 11:47:26 PM

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Physical Science – Short Answer In high-density polyethylene, or HDPE, each carbon atom
bonds to how many other carbon atoms?


Short Answer According to VSEPR [VESS-pur] theory, what is the
molecular geometry of a molecule of formaldehyde?


 Energy – Short Answer Researchers at Ames Lab are using the Mossbauer effect to study
metals. In this effect, a nucleus absorbs what particle without experiencing any recoil?


In the lewis dot structure of formaldehyde -carbon is surrounded by three groups( 3 atoms).In VSEPR -three groups or three atoms arrange in trigonal planar with an angle of 120 degree to have minimum repulsions.


Energy – Short Answer Researchers at Ames Lab are using the Mossbauer effect to study
metals. In this effect, a nucleus absorbs what particle without experiencing any recoil?
In this effect radiations are interacting with the metal nuclei. Radiations are made of photons.
Energy of photon = hv
Photon is like a packet of energy and when absorbed by nuclear particles it results in jumping to high energy level.


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