Inter Molecular Forces Questions

Started by, March 16, 2023, 11:22:12 AM

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1.   IMFs are found in which states of matter assuming ideal behavior?

2.   How many hydrogen bonds can ammonia molecules make with the methanol molecule below? Draw them. (Assume each atom can only make one IMF)


Quote from: on March 16, 2023, 11:22:12 AM
1.   IMFs are found in which states of matter assuming ideal behavior?

2.   How many hydrogen bonds can ammonia molecules make with the methanol molecule below? Draw them. (Assume each atom can only make one IMF)
Assuming ideal behavior, only ideal gases are with negligible IMF rest all states of matter have IMF.
H- bonding is between N atom of ammonia with H of the methanol bonded to Oxygen.
Oxygen of methanol with H of ammonia.

For this qn, if drawing is needed if the below is correct
2 bonds between CH3OH and NH3

For the answer attached on the previous post, the actual qn is attached in the attachment here. Pls advise if the attached answer on previous post is correct for this attached image in this question.

How many hydrogen bonds can ammonia molecules make with the methanol molecule below? Draw them. (Assume each atom can only make one IMF)

Please ingore the answer in the previous message. Updated answer as here in the attachment with this msg.
please verify

Hello Uma: Thanks for your help.
May I know if the attached version of the answer is also correct


H bonded to carbon can not make H bonding with Nitrogen.

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