Synthesis Equation of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Started by, November 14, 2010, 01:01:41 AM

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Hello, what is the 3 step synthesis process of creating Sodium Lauryl Sulfate??
Please provide me with the word equation, and the skeleton equation as well

Also, the structure of Sodium Lauryl sulfate shows that one side (the tail consisting of carbon and hydrogen) is non polar / hydrophobic. The other side (the head consisting of sulfur, oxygen, and sodium) is polar / hydrophillic. I was wandering why is the polar part, polar? And how is the non polar part, non polar? I don't understand what makes it polar and non polar.  ???

Also, why / how does Sodium Lauryl Sulfate foam with water? What is happening to cause it to foam?

Oh yeah, and please explain without using big chemistry words  :) I'm only a grade 11 student  :D Thanks !


Lauryl alcohol + sulfuric acid ------> hydrogen lauryl sulfate
hydrogen lauryl sulfate + Sodium carbonate ------> Sodium lauryl sulfate

   C12H25OH + H2SO4 ------> C12H25HSO4
C12H25HSO4   + Na2CO3 ------> NaC12H25SO4

The part which has Na+ and SO4 2- is the polar part due to charges on these ions .Polar part is soluble in water and is hydrophilic
C12H25---- is the part without charge separation and is non polar
It is insoluble in water and hydrophobic
Sodium lauryl sulfate  is a material that  decompose to release a gas under certain conditions (typically high temperature), which can be used to turn a liquid into a foam. It can form micelle

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