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Chemistry Homework Help => General Chemistry => Topic started by: andrina on September 03, 2013, 05:07:30 AM

Title: Methods of Water Cleaning
Post by: andrina on September 03, 2013, 05:07:30 AM
There are so many methods available to clean unhygienic water and chemical water cleaning is a prominent method among them. Using chemical compounds for water treatment is considered as a conventional cleaning method. These types of cleaning chemical solutions can kill contaminants like bacteria and algae. Each and every water treatment chemical can do something different in cleaning unhygienic water. Chlorine and bromine are the well known compounds used for water treatment. Residential and work spaces benefit greatly from waste water treatment. Big hotels, hospitals, spas and swimming pools make use of bromine and chlorine as cleaning agents. Hydrogen molecules are used as bleaching substance and chemicals used for oxidizing water.
Hydrogen peroxide is another prominent chemical substance used for cleaning water. A great variety of chemicals are used as water treatment chemicals ( Antifoams, biocides, boiler water chemicals, and corrosion inhibitors are the most commonly used water treatment chemicals. You might have heard about the usage of disinfectants, oxidants, neutralizing agents as well as pH conditioners as water treatment chemicals. Algaecide is another prominent chemical cleaner used to kill blue or green algae in the stagnated water. Some examples of water treatment chemicals are copper sulphate, iron salts, amine salts and algae blooms. Foam, powder and emulsions are three types of antifoam water treatment chemicals. Foam is a mass of bubble created when certain gases are dispersed into a liquid. Antifoam powder consists of different products coming under the category of poly carbonates. Each and every chemical cleaner differs greatly in chemical properties and characteristics.