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Chemistry Homework Help => General Chemistry => Topic started by: depowell on February 25, 2012, 09:13:28 PM

Title: Concentration of ionized species in solution Problem
Post by: depowell on February 25, 2012, 09:13:28 PM
Calculate the concentrations of all species in a 1.39 M Na2SO3 (sodium sulfite) solution. The ionization constants for sulfurous acid are Ka1 = 1.4× 10–2 M and Ka2 = 6.3× 10–8 M.

I need the concentrations for [Na^+], [SO3^2-], [HSO3^-], [H2SO3], [OH^-], and [H^+]

Thank you!  I need to figure this out by tomorrow.
Title: Re: Concentration of ionized species in solution Problem
Post by: uma on February 27, 2012, 12:25:48 AM
here you have work on the chemical equilibrium also
1.39 M Na2SO3 will completely ionize to give Na+ and SO32-
so [Na+] =  2X 1.39 M
SO32- is a strong conjugate base
SO32- +H2O <----->  H+   + HSO3-
now you need to make ice table and get equilibrium conc of the ions
then make an ice table for
HSO3-  + H2O <----> H2SO3 + OH-
make another ice table and get the equilibrium conc