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Chemistry Homework Help => General Chemistry => Topic started by: gurpreetkh on November 05, 2012, 06:36:36 AM

Title: Acid and Bases
Post by: gurpreetkh on November 05, 2012, 06:36:36 AM
Quiz 14.2:

3) Why is F3COH a strong acid,  compared to the other options for that question?

4) What is an oxide ion? Is it stronger than OH^-?
Title: Acid and Bases
Post by: gurpreetkh on November 05, 2012, 06:54:31 AM
Quiz 14.3

Hi Uma, i just did quiz 14.3 and I have trouble with questions 4,9 and 10. I am not able to copy and paste the questions and don't want to waste time typing them all out. Can you please retrieve these questions and help me understand them?
Title: Re: Acid and Bases
Post by: uma on November 10, 2012, 11:32:06 PM
sorry Gurpreetkh
I just saw your question
I will take out all your wrong questions and will answer them here
Why is F3COH a strong acid??
Three F(most electyronegative ) atoms on the carboxylic carbon will make that carbon strongly electron deficient
and this will facilitate release of H as H+ and hence make it very strong acid
O2- and OH-
if you compare the strength of O2- and OH- make their conjugate acids - so O2- ---> OH-
                                                                                                            OH- -----> H2O
H2O is stronger conjugate acid then OH-
Hence OH- is a weaker base then O2-
or you can just compare the charges here , the one which has more negative charge has more tendency to give electrons and is more basic.