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Chemistry Homework Help => AP Chemistry => Topic started by: pragnya on November 02, 2024, 06:14:33 PM

Title: Unit 3
Post by: pragnya on November 02, 2024, 06:14:33 PM
Could someone please explain
Title: Re: Unit 3
Post by: uma on November 03, 2024, 09:02:06 AM
Microwave can cause rotaional mption in the molecules.IR can give vibrational and UV -Vis can excite electrons .X rays and gamma rays can cause bond breaking.

E = hv ( a photon)
v is the frequency and v= c* wavelength
E =hc/ wavelength
wavelength is given in question in cm so convert it in m.c and h values will be given and plug in the equation to know E in J.
Total energy given by oven in 1 minute = 850J /s * 60 s
Number of photons = E (total)/ E( one photon in b part of question)
Moles of photons = number of photons * 1 mole / avogadro's number.