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Chemistry Homework Help => AP Chemistry => Topic started by: jazzygirl693 on October 23, 2010, 11:11:55 PM

Title: Kinetic Molecular Theory Problem
Post by: jazzygirl693 on October 23, 2010, 11:11:55 PM
Observations about real gases can be explained at the molecular level according to the kinetic molecular theory of gases and ideas about intermolecular forces. Explain how each of the following observations can be interpreted according to these concepts, including how the observation supports the correctness of these theories.

(a). When a gas filled balloon is cooled, it shrinks in volume; this occurs no matter what gas is originally placed in the balloon.

(b). When the balloon described in (a) is cooled further, the volume does not become zero; rather, the gas becomes a liquid or solid.

(c). When NH3 gas is introduced at one end of a long tube while HCL gas is introduced simultaneously at the other end, a ring of white ammonium chloride is observed to form in the tube after a few minutes. This ring is closer to the HCL end of the tube than the NH3 end.

(d). A flag waves in the wind.

PLEASE HELP ME ALONG WITH THIS by giving me explanations of why each one is the way it is.  THANKS!
Title: Re: Kinetic Molecular Theory Problem
Post by: uma on October 24, 2010, 08:12:42 AM
a )
as the temperature is lowered ,kinetic energy of the molecules is also reduced .Hence molecules are moving less faster ,less no of collisions which tends to reduce the pressure .Thats the reason volume is reduced .
b)Volume of gas can become zero only at -273 deg C and at such low temperature all gases liquefy or solidify .
c)This depends on the rate of diffusion
NH3 is lighter than HCl and diffuses faster than HCl .Hence NH3 combines with HCl to form NH4Cl near the end of HCl  gas
d) As wind is applying pressure ,molecules gain more kinetic energy and it results in producing waves in the flag
Title: Re: Kinetic Molecular Theory Problem
Post by: jazzygirl693 on October 24, 2010, 05:10:54 PM
Thank you!