VSEPR problem, with hybridization

Started by ann, October 04, 2022, 10:53:05 PM

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I have a quiz tomorrow on a problem similar to this and want to make sure I understand it properly, specifically the part on approximating bond angles.


sp3 has approx 109?, sp2 120?, sp 180?
sp3 will be found only if 4 single bond on C, 3 single bond on N, or 2 singlebond on O.
sp2 will be found if a double bond and 2 single bond on  C or a double bond and 1 single bond on N or only a double bond on O.
sp w>l befunden if a triple bond and a single bond on C or a triple bond on N. Also 2 double bonds on C are sp hybridisized.
Now check the molecule.


Quote from: ann on October 04, 2022, 10:53:05 PM
I have a quiz tomorrow on a problem similar to this and want to make sure I understand it properly, specifically the part on approximating bond angles.
Remember the number of groups around the central atom are the number of atom bonded to that atom + lone pairs on that atom.
if the number of groups are 4 then atom is sp3 with tetrahedral geometry and angle is 109.5 degree.
if the number of groups are 3  then atom is sp2 with trigonal planar geometry and angle is 120 degree.
if the number of groups are 2  then atom is sp hybridized 
with linear geometry and angle is 180 degree.

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