[attachment id=0 msg=3652] Can you please walk me through how to calculate this and also what the equation would be?
AlCl3 is a salt of strong acid HCl and weak base Al(OH)3. Al3+ is strong conjugate acid of weak base and Cl- is the weak conjugate base of strong acid.
It means pH is controlled by Al3+ and solution has pH less than 7.
Al3+ is very small and highly charged species which can have expanded octet in its complexes. In water it can make coordinate bonds with 6 H2O molecules and then ionizes to give H3O + ions
Al3+ + 6H2O -----> Al(H2O)6 3+
Al(H2O)6 3+ <----> [Al(H2O)5 OH ]2- + H3O +
Ka = 1.4 * 10 ^-5
Make RICE table and calculate concentration of H3O + and pH .
pH = 3.43