Electronegativity Part 3 -How to identify Polar Bond, Non Polar Bond and Ionic Bond based on Difference in Electronegativity

Electronegativity  part 3 video will help you in understanding how difference in electronegativity controls the nature of chemical bond?

You will get answers of all questions listed below:

How to identify polar Bond based on difference and electronegativity?

How to identify non polar Bond based on difference in electronegativity?

How to identify ionic bond pasting difference in electronegativity?

Which element in the periodic table is the most electronegative element?

Which element in the periodic table is the least electronegative element?

Trends of electronegativity along the period and down the group in  periodic table

Why electronegativity  not measured in the form of energy?

What is pauling scale?

What is the highest value and the lowest value of electronegativity on the following scale in periodic table?

What is the nature of chemical bond when the difference in electronegativity is less than 0.5?

What is the nature of chemical bond when the difference in electronegativity is more than 1.7?

What is the nature of chemical bond when the difference in electronegativity is in between 0.5 and 1.7?

Different examples of polar ,nonpolar and ionic bonds followed by a quiz which is interactive and will give you a strong foundation in this concept.

And many many more questions you will be able to answer after watching this we video on Electronegativity Part 3 -How to identify Polar Bond, Non Polar Bond and Ionic Bond based on Difference in Electronegativity?

Most Electronegative  and Least Electronegative elements in the Periodic table

In the periodic table down the group atomic size increases and along the period atomic size decreases

This means Cesium can be considered as the biggest atom and fluorine is the smallest atom of the periodic table (Noble gases, Hydrogen atom and radioactive materials are generally exempted.)

This means that Cesium has the lowest tendency to attract the shared pair of electrons because of its  big size and it is the least electronegative atom in the periodic table. Fluorine is the smallest atom with the highest tendency to attract the shared pair of electron so it is  the  most electronegative in  the periodic table.

Scale to Measure Electronegativity.

Electronegativity cannot be measured in Joules or KJ  because it is not an energy. Electronegativity is the tendency to pull shared pair of electrons and hence  a different scale is used to measure electronegativity, called as Pauling Scale.

All elements lie in the range of 0.8 (value for Cs -least electronegative)  to 4.0(value for Fluorine- most electronegative element)

Most electronegative element and least electronegative element and Pauling scale for measuring electronegativity
Most electronegative element and least electronegative element and Pauling scale for measuring electronegativity


Difference between Electronegativity and Polarity of the Bond 

Difference in electronegativity causes polarity of the bond. With higher  difference in electronegativity,  there is more polarity in a bond. Three  basic categories of chemical bonds-

  • Polar covalent bonding and
  • Ionic bonding
  • Nonpolar covalent bonding

When the  difference in electronegativity is less than  0.5

For example in Cl2 molecule ,H2 molecule,CH4  and N2 the difference electronegativity is zero because both atoms are identical or in carbon hydrogen bond. In these cases the difference in electronegativity is less than .5 or nearly zero. So bond is Non polar Covalent bond.

When the difference in electronegativity is more than 1.7

When metals are bonded with nonmetals,electrons are not shared but they are  nearly transferred. These are Ionic bonds.Example NaCl ,KBr etc.

If the difference lies between. 5 and 1.7

Electrons are shared but not equally between bonded atoms and there is a charge  separation.They are polar covalent bonds. As  difference in electronegativity increases , polarity of the polar covalent bond also increases.Examples:HCl,HF,H2O etc.

Difference in electronegativity and polarity of chemical bonds
Difference in electronegativity and polarity of chemical bonds


Examples of Polar and Non Polar  Bonds:

Non polar bonds: Carbon bonded to carbon  or  carbon bonded to hydrogen. The difference in electronegativity here is very less or zero.

 Polar Covalent bonds: Nitrogen bonded to hydrogen, carbon bonded to oxygen, lithium  bonded to carbon.

The polarity increases with the increase in in difference in electronegativity

Ionic bonds generally one is metal other one is non metal and  the difference in electronegativity is very large i.e.  more than 1.7.

You can now watch this video and  practice questions given in the quiz. A better understanding of electronegativity and polarity of bonds will give you a good base for starting Organic Chemistry.

Based on Difference in EN -How to identify polar bond ,non polar bond and ionic bond?(EN-part 3)

                              Periodic chart of electronegativity 

Table of electronegativity
Periodic Table of electronegativity

Practice problems on How to identify Polar Bond, Non Polar Bond and Ionic Bond based on Difference in Electronegativity



#1. Which element is the most electronegative element?

#2. Identify the ionic Bond?

#3. Based on the difference in electronegativity identify the most polar Bond

#4. Most electronegative element of the periodic table is

#5. Element with Highest value of electronegativity on the Pauling scale is

#6. Element with lowest value of electronegativity on the Pauling scale is


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